Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn

Society scholarship

Regulations on the awarding of scholarships
by the German Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery e.V., Bonn
(revised version dated 4 September 2024)

In an effort to promote scientific work in the field of otorhinolaryngology and to help the achievements of German scientists1 to be recognised abroad, the Presidium of the German Society for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e.V. adopted the following new version of the guidelines for awarding scholarships at its meeting on 4 September 2024:

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie awards a maximum annual sum of € 15,000 (fifteen thousand) as a grant towards the costs of translation or printing of scientific papers as well as for further training and/or research trips abroad, taking into account the respective financial situation.

The publication grants are intended to make it easier to publish outstanding scientific work in international journals. In particular, they are intended for the publication of extensive experimental and clinical work, which is generally published in supplement volumes or as monographs. Translations of works that have already been published in German are not eligible. Travelling scholarships are intended to provide the scholarship holder with insights into special clinical-scientific aspects of the ENT field that are specifically promoted at foreign clinics and institutes. Financial support for travelling abroad for the purpose of giving lectures at official congresses is possible in exceptional cases, provided this is in the special interest of the German Society for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery or is done on its behalf.

The available sum should be divided among several scholarship holders. No scholarship holder may receive more than € 3,000 per application.

Grants can only be awarded to members of the Society in a non-self-employed professional position. In the case of translation and publication grants, the applicant must be the first author.

Applications for translation, publication and travel grants must be addressed to the Secretary of the Society and must include

- Letter of motivation

- curriculum vitae

- list of publications

- in the case of travel grants: a budget showing how the requested funds will be used

- for publication grants: Cost estimate for translation and printing costs

- Letter of recommendation from the clinic director

- Declaration of further funding applied for (incl. decision)

The application must be submitted before the publication of the sponsored publication or before the start of the trip.

Applications are reviewed by the Executive Board, which decides on the selection of applications received by a simple majority vote. At the suggestion of the treasurer, the executive committee also decides on the amount of the grant to be awarded by a simple majority vote. If the applicants include an employee or relative of a member of the Executive Committee, the latter shall be eliminated.

The Executive Committee and the General Assembly must be informed of the decision.

Once a sponsored work has been published, a specimen copy (print or digital) must be provided to the Executive Committee via the Secretary. The support of the German Society for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery must be mentioned in a footnote or in the foreword of the publication. The author's copyrights remain unaffected. After completion of a required continuing education programme, a report on the activity, on what has been learned and its evaluation and, if applicable, on other experiences must be sent to the Executive Committee. This report may be published in abridged form in the Society's bulletins. The final report must be accompanied by proof of the utilisation of the funds provided.

The further development of the guidelines and their adaptation to changed circumstances requires a simple majority by resolution of at least two-thirds of the Executive Committee.

1 The wording includes members of all genders (m/f/d). The use of the masculine form here and in the following is solely for the sake of readability.