German Society of
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery


Welcome to the homepage of the DGHNO-KHC

The German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery is dedicated to the advancement of scientific and clinical knowledge relating to the fields of head and neck surgery and otorhinolaryngology.


ENT Congress 2025

Congress-Website 2025

Invitation Flyer 2025

Abstract submission

Registration of central courses by lecturers

Congress scholarship 2025

Travelling Grant 2025

- Request application forms here

- Information on membership including contributions can be found here

Press releases

>> to the current press releases: Link

First DFG Junior Researcher Academy for ENT Medicine

We are pleased to inform you that the DSZ-HNO, together with the DFG, is organizing the first academy for young researchers in the field of ENT. For the first academy for young researchers, the focus "Research for the further development of head and neck oncology" has been chosen; the coordination and management is the responsibility of Prof. Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, MD.

Interested candidates who completed their doctorate no more than six years ago can apply for the following research topics: preclinical studies and animal models / ex-vivo approaches / clinical-experimental studies on ENT oncology issues / biomarker studies / preventive studies / health services research.

The academy leads the participants to a DFG junior researcher proposal as a DFG individual project for a maximum of 12 months and usually a maximum of €50,000-80,000 in funding. The Academy and a mentoring system accompany the participants until they submit this DFG proposal. This proposal should enable the early career researchers to subsequently submit a first regular DFG proposal.

The application deadline is July 7, 2023; further detailed information on the project and the application form can be found here Link


History of the academic teaching institutions, teachers and clinics
of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Link

Congress publications 2023

  • Referate (de/en version available) - Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, Edition S 1, Vol. 102, Thieme Verlag
  • Abstracts (de/en version available) - Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, Edition S 2, Vol. 102, Thieme Verlag
  • Kongress-Mediathek 2023 (Use only possible for participants registered for the congress!)

Cochlear implant care


  • Current overview of certified cochlear implant care facilities (CIVE) (Link)
  • Information on CI certification
    (published on the occasion of the CI launch event in June 2021)

    - Presentation of the DGHNO-KHC CI Certification Committee (Link)

    - Presentation by ClarCert on CI certification (Link)

For further information on CI certification, please contact ClarCert directly, Mr. Fünfgeld ( or Mrs. Jevtic (


  • Information on the German CI Register (DCIR)
    (published on the occasion of the CI launch event in June 2021)

    - Presentation by Innoforce on the DCIR (Link), to the management summary for clinics (Link) and information on the interface for the import (Link)

For further information on the DCIR, please contact Innoforce via this Formular.

>> Weißbuch Cochlea-Implant

  • Weißbuch Cochlea-Implantat (CI)-Supply
    (Status May 2021)

    Recommendations of the German Society for ENT Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery for quality assurance in the care of patients with a cochlear implant in Germany. Please follow this Link.

Weißbuch stimulation therapy of the N. hypoglossus

(Status: August 2022) Recommendations on the structure, organization, equipment, qualification and quality assurance in the care of patients with a hypoglossal nerve stimulation system in the Federal Republic of Germany. Please follow this Link.

Application for certification as a GSB Skull Base Center

An application for certification as a skull base center initiated by the Society for Skull Base Surgery (GSB) is now possible (to the Antragsformular nebst Kriterienkatalog)
If you have any questions, please contact the GSB office (contact: Anthea Rozakis-Siu, Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Str. 9/1, 70794 Filderstadt, phone: 0711/99706830, e-mail:


Professor Lüers, University ENT Clinic Cologne, developed the ENT-App in March 2020 with the scientific support of the DGHNO-KHC and the ENT Academy, which was initially published as an ENT quiz app.

The ENT app contains more than 2,000 quiz questions from the field of ENT medicine (e.g. in the categories of allergology, rhinology, salivary glands & facial nerve, vestibular and many more). This concept, also known as "gamification", allows ENT residents to deepen their knowledge in a fun way - ideal for preparing for the specialist examination!

In addition, the app's functions and offerings are continuously being optimized: In addition to news, media library, job exchange, event calendar and webinars, CME-certified further education and training courses are now also offered via the app. For more information (including QR codes to download the app), please follow this link.

You can find current course offers here.

Online portal for further education and training: HNO-eCampus

Founded in September 2020, the ENT eCampus is an institution of the German Academy for ENT Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery (further education and training academy of the DGHNO-KHC).

We offer various opportunities for online training via this web portal. This service is currently only available to members. You can find a selection of the virtual training courses currently available on

Calendar of events of the DGHNO-KHC

DGHNO-KHC job exchange

Science portal on the DGHNO-KHC website

Links to study portals, the AWMF guideline portal, research options and other related DGHNO-KHC services (link)

Virtual ENT Meditheque

Current educational and surgical videos from various ENT specialties (link)

Funding program for international exchange in otorhinolaryngology (FiA-HNO) of the JuS Foundation:

This year, the newly established JuS Foundation is announcing the first funding program for international exchange in otorhinolaryngology for young medical professionals (deadline 01.11.2024).

>> Further information can be found here.

Important Dates

Oct 31

Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft

Antragsunterlagen anfordern

Oct 31

Deadline Kongress-Stipendium 2025

Bewerbung um ein Kongress-Stipendium der DGHNO-KHC. Möglich vom 15.09. bis 31.10.204 unter diesem Link.

Oct 31

Deadline Travelling Grant 2025

Deadline for the complete application: 31st October 2024.

Application Form for Travelling Grant.

Nov 15

Deadline: Beginn Anmeldung von Zentralen Kursen zur HNO-Akademie 2025

Möglich vom 15. September bis 15. November 2024

über diesen Link

Nov 15

Deadline: Beginn Abstract-Einreichung für HNO-Kongress 2025

Möglich vom 15. September bis 15. November 2024

über diesen Link

May 28

HNO-Kongress 2025

96. Jahresversammlung der DGHNO-KHC

Mittwoch, 28. Mai bis Samstag, 31. Mai 2025

Messe Frankfurt/M.

May 29

24. Jahrestagung HNO-Akademie 2025

Donnerstag, 29. Mai bis Samstag, 31. Mai 2025

Messe Frankfurt/M.

May 29

19th International Forum 2025

Thursday, May 29 and Friday, May 30, 2025

Messe Frankfurt/M.

May 30

25. Tag der Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe 2025

Freitag, 30. Mai 2025

Messe Frankfurt/M.

Our Partners

©2024 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn. All rights reserved. Impressum, Disclaimer, Datenschutz.
Note: The formulations include members of all genders (m/f/d). The use of the masculine form is only for better readability.