German Society of
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Self-help groups and associations

Self-help organizations for ENT diseases

Morbus Osler Selbsthilfe e.V.
A self-help group for affected people

Bundesverband Angeborene Gefäßfehlbildungen e.V.
Angiodysplasia - "Living with a different plan" - this motto of the Federal Association reflects both aspects of the disease and the work of the BV

Schnecke-Online. Das Magazin.
Specialist journal for cochlear implants, hearing impairment, hearing loss and self-help

Deutsche Cochlea Implantat Gesellschaft e.V.
Advice and support for patients and their relatives before and after receiving cochlear implants

Verband "Power trotz Handicap e. V."
"Turning those affected into participants!" Integration of people with disabilities in the private sphere and on the regular training and labor market

Vereinigung Akustikus Neurinom VAN e.V.
Patient self-help organization

For people who are speech impaired

Bundesvereinigung Stotterer-Selbsthilfe e.V.
Interest group of people who stutter in Germany

Deutschen Schwerhörigenbund e.V.
Education, advice and information for people with hearing loss and deafness, contact and self-help opportunities

Patienteninformationen des Deutschen Allergie- und Asthmabund e.V.
Comprehensive references, e.g. European pollen forecast, weather information from the German Weather Service, and much more

Schlafapnoe e.V.
A list of sleep apnea support groups in Europe

Deutsche Tinnitus Liga e.V.
The internet portal provides information about tinnitus, sudden hearing loss and Meniere's disease and offers contact and exchange opportunities

Tinnitus Selbsthilfe
By those affected for those affected

Information on hearing and hearing loss with a presentation of ear diseases (including tinnitus), facts, figures, causes, signs and consequences of hearing loss. Personal reports, advice, children and hearing loss, hearing aids, etc.

Eltern hörgeschädigter Kinder Unna
Information from parents of hearing impaired children and young people from North Rhine-Westphalia about self-help, therapies, hearing aids and cochlear implants

Gemeinschaft Eltern und Freunde Hörgeschädigter -
Parents' association for parents of hearing-impaired children. The association helps parents who are at the beginning of the prognosis of deafness

Bundesverband der Kehlkopflosen und Kehlkopfoperierten e.V.
Information on laryngeal cancer, laryngeal insufficiency, rehabilitation

Selbsthilfenetzwerk Kopf-Hals-M.U.N.D.-Krebs e.V.
Initiative of cancer patients in Germany to support people with head and neck cancer and their relatives

The foundation's commitment to awareness, prevention and early detection of tumors in the head, neck and oral cavity and representation of the interests of those affected in public

Kartagener Syndrom und Primäre Ciliäre Dyskinesie e.V.
A self-help group of affected patients and relatives, supported by a medical-scientific advisory board. Here you will find information about Kartagener syndrome and primary ciliary dyskinesia and much more