Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn

C01 Foundation Award for Excellence in Head and Neck Oncology

Prize of the C01 Foundation for Excellence in Head and Neck Oncology
Award statutes dated 01.08.2022 (with amendments dated 08 November 2022)

The C01 Foundation is an unincorporated foundation under civil law established in 2019 and recognised as a non-profit foundation under the administration of the Haspa Hamburg Foundation. The purpose of the C01 Foundation is the promotion of science and research, the promotion of public health and public health care and the promotion of vocational training. In particular, the C01 Foundation promotes research into more efficient therapies with fewer side effects and the development of necessary biomarkers for head and neck tumours.

With this in mind, the foundation, in collaboration with the German Society for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DGHNO-KHC), awards the annual C01 Foundation Prize for Excellence in Head and Neck Oncology, which is endowed with € 2,500.  The prize is awarded for an outstanding scientific achievement in the field of head and neck oncology and is presented at the annual meetings of the DGHNO-KHC.

The awarding of the prize is decided by a panel of judges based on the requirements of the foundation's statutes. The panel of judges reviews the applications received and submits proposals for the award to the DGHNO-KHC Executive Committee. When selecting the proposals for the award, in addition to the assessment of the submitted work, the outstanding performance and the role model function of the award winner* should also be taken into account.


Application with a previously published scientific publication on the thematic focus of head and neck oncology that has not yet received funding elsewhere. The scientific work must have been published in a scientific journal or as a monograph in the two volumes preceding the year of distribution (if an online publication precedes a print publication, the date of the online publication counts).

Application deadline: 15 September to 31 October of the respective previous year of the congress

Submission criteria:

- Send the complete application documents exclusively by e-mail to, for the attention of the secretary

- In addition to the publication, the Executive Committee requests a cover letter with a brief description of your motivation for applying

- CV with digital passport photo (including current contact details with telephone number and email address)

- List of publications

Applicants will be informed of the result in writing following the selection procedure; there is no legal recourse against the decision.

* The wording includes members of all genders (m/f/d). The use of the masculine form here and in the following is solely for the sake of readability.